Wednesday, March 23, 2016

God is Building His Church in Vieux Lyon

Last Sunday, there were 24 adults and 2.5 children at our worship gathering. This is the church plant in Vieux Lyon...these people ARE the church. We started as a team of 5, and even though we haven't officially launched, people are coming.

Some people find our service time and location on our website and just show up. Some have been invited to come. One of our regular attenders has brought just about everyone she knows, and some of her friends have stuck around. 

We are careful not to invite people from established churches--we do not belive in church planting by division! Most of our current attenders are students and young professionals who have not yet found a "home" church in Lyon. They come from various denominational backgrounds, and most describe themselves as "young" Christians, that is to say, newer to the faith. Some had walked away from the church for a time, but were feeling a need to find their way back to God and His family. Some are seekers. We strive to meet each person where they are, and then invite them to take the next step towards Christ.

God is building His church in Vieux Lyon, and we are privileged to be a part of it.

Next steps? We clearly need a building as we have quickly outgrown the living room in the apartment where we are currently meeting. We have found a location that would meet our needs here in our neighborhood, but there are several hurdles in front of us--one of which in financial. Even just to rent a space in Vieux Lyon, there is a large sum that must be paid upfront. It is an expense that can be recouperated if we move, but we still have to be able to make the initial investment. Please pray that if this is that place that God has chosen for us, He will open wide the doors.

The location that we are considering would have enough space for a our daily prayer meetings, our weekly worships services, and a classroom for a Regional Church Planting Training Center, which we hope to launch in the Fall of 2017. It also has a large room that would serve as shared office space. We will be able to rent out several office cubicles to people in the comminuty who are in need of such a work space, and this will help pay for the monthly rent of the entire building. This is the type of model that is needed in France, where the average church size is 50-80 people. Small congregations cannot afford to pay rent, utilities, etc. By having an income source that will also offer a useful service to the community we will not only enlarge the breadth of our social network, we will also be able to afford a building that is centrally located.

God is on the move in Lyon! Pray with us for wisdom and grace as we seek to keep in step with the Spirit. May we do all things by His strength and for His glory!

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